
shell on Emacs [Linux]

Emacs 上で shell を複数起動する場合、これまでは下記の手順を実行していた。

・1個目の shell の起動

 ~/.emacs への (shell) の設定による自動起動
 M-x shell の実行

・2個目の shell の起動

 ミニバッファでの (shell "*shell-2*") の実行

今回、elisp の学習のため、専用の関数を作成した。

1. shell-util.el の作成

 shell-util.el を作成し、~/lib/emacs/lisp に保存する。

2. ~/.emacs の編集

 (1) 変数 load-path の変更

   load-path に ~/lib/emacs/lisp を追加する。

 (2) shell-util.el のロード

   (require 'shell-util)

3. 使用方法

 (1) Emacs の実行

 (2) shell-nth の実行

   M-x shell-nth

4. 備考

 (1) shell-util.el
;;; -*- tab-width: 4 -*-
;;; shell-util.el --- utilities for shell command

(defun shell-command-exists-p (command &optional display-path)
  "Check whether COMMAND exist.
Return t, if COMMAND exists in some directory of command search path.
Return nil, if COMMAND does not exist.
If DISPLAY-PATH is non-nil, display full path of COMMAND."
  (let ((path (getenv "PATH"))
		(plist nil)
		(match nil)
		(cnt 0)
		(dir nil))
	(when path
	  (setq plist (split-string path ":")))
		(and (null match)
			 (setq dir (nth cnt plist)))
	  (when (file-executable-p (concat dir "/" command))
		(setq match t))
	  (setq cnt (+ cnt 1)))
	(if display-path
		(message "%s/%s" dir command)

(defun shell-which (command &optional display-path)
  "Check whether COMMAND exist.
Return t, if COMMAND exists in some directory of command search path.
Return nil, if COMMAND does not exist.
If DISPLAY-PATH is non-nil, display full path of COMMAND.

This function execute 'which' command."
  (let ((stat nil) path)
	(setq path (shell-command-to-string (format "which %s" command)))
	 ((string-match "^/.*" path)
	  (setq path (car (split-string path)))
	  (setq stat t))
	  (setq path "")))
	(if display-path
		(message "%s" path)

(defun shell-nth ()
  "Create Shell mode buffer and run an inferior shell.
If `*shell*' does not exist, buffer name is `*shell*'.
Otherwise, buffer name is `*shell-N*' (2 <= N)."
  (let ((bl (buffer-list)) bl-shell match buffer-name)
	;; get name list of Shell mode buffers
	(while bl
	  (let ((buffer (car bl)))
		(setq bl (cdr bl))
		  (set-buffer buffer)
		  (when (equal mode-name "Shell")
			(setq buffer-name (buffer-name))
			(push buffer-name bl-shell)
			(when (equal buffer-name "*shell*")
			  (setq match t))))))
	;; set buffer name
	  ;; '*shell*' buffer exists
	  (setq bl (sort bl-shell 'string<))
	  (let ((cnt (length bl)) (c1 2) c2 b-name end)
		(while (and (<= c1 (1+ cnt)) (null end))
		  (setq buffer-name (format "*shell-%d*" c1))
		  (setq c2 0)
		  (setq match nil)
		  (while (and (< c2 cnt) (null match))
			(setq b-name (nth c2 bl))
			(when (equal b-name buffer-name)
			  (setq match t))
			(setq c2 (1+ c2)))
		  (when (null match)
			(setq end t))
		  (setq c1 (1+ c1)))))
	  (setq buffer-name "*shell*")))
	;; run an inferior shell
	(shell buffer-name)
	(message "\"%s\"" buffer-name)))

(provide 'shell-util)

;;; shell-util.el ends here

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text login / graphic..Mew on CentOS 5.4 ブログトップ
